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Buy Knock Off Designer Bags

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At least 30 vendors have set up shop on the sidewalks between 48th and 50th Streets on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan to sell phony Louis Vuitton, Prada and Dior handbags and clutches, The Post has learned.

Last week, a friend sent me an article about wealthy women who purchase high-quality counterfeit luxury bags. The trend surprised me: Authenticity has long been a status symbol when it comes to luxury items. Knock-offs are usually purchased by people who aspire to the status image of the wealthy without having the wealth. So one wonders why wealthy women who have the resources would buy the knock-offs.

Whether you want to wholesale replica bags for your business or just buy several for personal use, most importantly you should find a reliable supplier who can reach your requirements among so many websites of fake designer bags.

Almost 90% of replica designer bags in the world are from China. You can find many Chinese suppliers specializing in replica designer bags easily, including manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, etc.

The replica designer bags industry has been around in China for a long time. There is a complete production chain of replica bags in China. And the replica bag factories are mainly situated in Guangdong, Baigou, Fujian.

These replica bag factories have developed from small workshops to large-scaled factories gradually. And their craftsmanship is more advanced and the quality of replica bags they produce now is better than 10 years ago, which can even mix with the genuine.

There are so many wholesale websites in China. And if you want to wholesale fake designer bags, you can also try some of them. Except for bags, you can also buy different replicas such as watches, clothing, jewelry, shoes, etc. from these wholesale replica websites.

When it comes to buying replica designer bags in bulk, I recommend you to buy them on DHgate, which has no MOQ. As a legal B2B wholesale platform, it is safe to use if you can find a reliable supplier on it. There are many high-definition pictures or videos of the products on the detail page. But you can only see the plain bags without any conspicuous logos in the pictures.

There are few non-Chinese replica bag wholesalers or retailers. I list some independent online stores of replica designer bags from different countries and regions for your reference, including China, America, Europe, etc. All of them can deliver to worldwide.

Celebrity Handbags offers replica handbags of different famous brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Celine, Dior, Hermes, Prada. You can see many high-quality product images, where replica handbags look as high-end as the original ones.

Besides, they sell for both wholesale and retail. If you want to wholesale replica bags, you need to reach the minimum quantity, which you need to contact the suppliers for details. They also provide dropshipping program and you can buy one item at a time at wholesale prices.

RCW.MS is an American website that sells replica designer handbags, jewelry, shoes and watches. You can find about 17 designer brands of replica bags including Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Bvlgari, Celine, Dior, Givenchy, Hermes, and more. And there are about 1877 items on the website.

You can see many detailed pictures of the products. The prices of these replica bags are totally different, ranging from $100 to $1000 based on different styles. Besides, they can only serve for retail.

Luxurybagssa is a trading company focusing on retailing replica Louis Vuitton bags, shoes, belts and other accessories. They provide more than one thousand Louis Vuitton bags and prices are usually more than one thousand dollars. You can also check very detailed pictures of every product.

Perfect Luxury mainly focuses on selling replica Louis Vuitton and Gucci handbags, backpacks, wallets, etc. Also, they sell other replica accessories like bracelets, belts, etc. They can deliver to hundreds of countries and regions including the US, Europe, Asia, etc.



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