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5S"3- IWMwffiMsryMMiE&' SOCIETY feArraneements are being farthered for thefete on Tuesday at the recently purchasedhome of the United Presbyterian Church ofPitUbarg, In the vicinity of Wilkinsburjj.The large influence of the church makes itssuccess assured, and doubtless the tnnd forpurchase will receive an undeniable impulseby the results of Tuesday. At all events,Ofch a pleasant happening ! wished for.The complete committees are:Beception Committee Mn. W. "W.Grier, Mrs. H. C. Campbell, Miss. E. D.Brown, Mrs. D. K. Brvce, Mrs. R. L. McCnlly, Mrs. Samuel Mahood, Mrs. J. P.Cameron, Mrs. F. M. Sims, Mrs. AndrewEaston, Mre. J. A. Boswell. Mrs. J. A.Carry, Miss S. A. McQuiston, Mrs. JaneGillespie, Mrs. Joseph Mitchell, Mrs.David Blair, Miss Jeannette Lockhart,Mrs. Georee , Shaw, Mrs. W. R. Ford,Mrs. N. P. Burch6eld, Mrs. Donthet,Mrs. Joseph McNaugher, Mrs. AlexanderHenrv, Mrs. K. S. Smith, Mrs. George B.Hill, Mrs. H. W. McKee, Mr. Joseph MoKsusher, Mr. Alexander Henry, Mr. K. S.Smith, Mr. George B. Hill, Mr. H.W. MoKee, Mr. Robert Frew.Supper Committee Mrs. G. B. Hill, tin.Bulger, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. S. B. Donaldson,Mrs. Robert Monroe, Mrs. J. B. Dorrington,Mrs. D. 0. Thompson.Supply Committee Mrs. Breese, Mrs. J.Gillespie, Miss S. J. Frew, Mrs. RobertStevenson, Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs. D.Sturtevant.Ice Cream Committee Mrs. Mary Porter, Mrs. A. P. Burchfleld. Mrs. D. K.Boyoe, Mrs. Joseph Mitchell, Mrs. SamuelWest, Miss Clara Hennlng, Mrs. John AWilson, Miss Kettle Frailer, Miss Ellajrruler, Miss Annie rlciLnignt, Miss UarriePorter, Miss Sarah Hammill, MissCarrie Kelly, Miss Clara Wilson,Miss Etta Clark, Mis Valeria McKee, Mrs. McElveen, Mrs. McMillan,Mlis Alice Long, Mrs. Reed Vincent,Miss Agnes Mitchell, Mrs. Annie Smith,Mrs. Maggie Mitchell, Miss Emma Wilson,Miss Ella Sleeth, Miss Lillian Easton, MissBertha Potter, Miss Jennie McKaueher,Mrs. Robert Franer, Mrs. John E. Shaw,Mrs. Allison Reed, Mrs. J. Shaw, Mrs.Flora McCombs, Mrs. Thomas Herron,Miss Jennie Armstrong, Miss May Campbell, Miss Sadie Hennlng, Miss Sarah Milholland, Miss Clara SturtevantDecoration Committee Mrs. AndrewEton, Mrs. Albert Stevenson, Mrs. B. AElliott, Mrs. H. Clay Bair, Mrs. J. A.Cnrry.Lemonade Mrs. George Sands, Mrs.Joseph F. Neely, Mrs. George Craig, MissAgnes C Johnston, Miss Blanche Frazier, A.Miss Wary Armstrong, .Miss .tranceJSewell, .Miss A. u JUonroe, juiss .MaggieHodge, Mrs. F. M. 8im, Miss KanxieClark, Miss Josephine McHenrylyMissBessie Ritchie, Miss Mattie Glllese andMis Sadie Mehaffey.Mnsic Committed Mrs. W.RFord, MissJ. P. Cameron, Mra Joseph Mitchell, Mrs.Samuel Mihood, Mrs. Mary porter.Russian Tea Mrs. H. Clar Bair, Mrs.Andrew Easton, Miss Jeannette Lockhart,Hiss Lillie Butler, Mr A. N. Bean, MissLillian Bced.AThe acaicirr circus of the Sewlckley" Athletic Association promises to be a' verynice affair. The Committee on Arrangements is oomposed of Mls Irene McVay,Miss George, Mr. David Warden, Mr.Frank Hutchinson and Mr. Charles Doyle.Committee on Booths, Miss Clara Campbell, Miss Annie Semple, Mr. MarshallChri'ty and Mr. Miller. The ice creamwill be in charge of Mrs. R, O. Franks andMrs. Joseph Craig will preside at the ooniections. Miss Clara Campbell will sell peanuts and Mrs. James Chaplain the lemonade. The games will be ot a most elaboratenature.On Wednesday last Miss Anna Scaife entertained a lot of young people with a garden party. The charming younz hostess'hopitality was the more enjoyed in combination with the very refreshing tea whichwas served in the open air. The guestswere: Miss Mary Painter, Miss Agnes Dickson, Miss Margiierite Singer, Miss BessieBennett, Miss Mary Laugl.lin, Miss Gertrude Gerdes, Miss May Gerdes, Miss Rnsallnd Smith, Miss Mary Bell. Miss WillaForsyth, Miss West Lyon, Miss Be sieLong, Miss Fannv Oliver, Mr. Oliver McCllntock, Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Charlesbpeer, Mr. Arthur Bell, Mr. Charles Scaife,Mr. Harrv McCandless, Mr. Harry RobinRon, Mr. Ledlty Young, Mr. James McGee,Mr. Dallas Byers and Mr. Charles Patterson. I acknowledge from Mr. 0. V. Gates, thepromoter of the midsummer concert at theKenmawr, the receipt of the following Intimation: Mrs. Christopher L. Magee, Mrs.Maxwell Moorhead, Mrs. John Wilcox,Miss Bailie Killikelly and Miss JuliaHarding have consented to act as patronesses at the concert on Saturday evening.Reed T. Stewart, Esq., a tutor In theWestern University, with his bride is summering at Cresson Springs. Mrs. StewartIs the daughter of Mr. George Shaw, of Allegheny. The first "at home" of the happyyoung couple will be held at their newhouse on Osgood street, near Linden avenue, after August 15.It Is a curioui fact that Shadyslde Presbyteriac Church does not contain on its list ofpresent membership tb6 name of a single"poor" person. The Rev. Mr. Holmes hasbeen heard deploring this prosperity. Heseemed to lear the hardening influence of acondition of things, when the softer andsympathetic chords were not called upon toexercise their functions. However thismay be, at least it can be said for ShadysideChurch that it has never been known tohesitate in a time of need and very frequently has not waited to be called on, butcame noblr forward with offer of aid. Itschurch work is in the hands of a lot otbright young women, whose names aresynonymous with energy and goodness, andso when they put their hands to the flow,that instrument of labor is always seen toturn up a very fine furrow.The Snndav School -is said to be run withas much punctuality as a railway; a state ofthings not to be wondered at, since Mr.Robert Pitcairn is its superintendent Theopeninz exercise is never a moment behindtime, and its financial affairs are in a condition of such perfect order as to stir a feelingof envj in the breast of a Carnegie.Among other American travelers boundfor Europe is Mary Temple Bayard, wellknown as one of the correspondents of thispaper. Mrs. Bayard sails lor the continenton the Alaska July 23." "Mrs. A. E. W. Painter, of Irwin avenue,Allegheny, and Cresson Springs, after herusual habit, spent the Fourth In retirementat her mountain cottage with a party offriends. Mr. Painter and Mr. Blair Painteralso bore part of the pleasant burden of entertaining upon their shoulders, Kn,Painter contrives In the most marvelousmanner always to bring together at herhouse people who are abjolnteiy congenial,and those complimented with an Invitationalways look forward to enjoying unremitting pleasure and hospitality.Mm D. A. Stewart, of Allegheny, alwaysprefaces her summer sojourn at the StewartCottage, in Cresson, by a short visit to hervilla at Conneaut Lake. The family willleave for the lake in a few days. Mr.Donglass Stewart, who has passed successfully lor Yale, will enter upon his freshman year at that college next autumn,Tbanta- to Mrs. J. M. Gusky, the orphansof Pittsburg and Allegheny will enjoy asummer outing on the Ohio river on nextTuesday. Five hundred children and several speciallv invited guests will participatein the trip, which will be made by steamboats J. M. Gusky and J. M. BowelL Theboats in dock at Wood street will leave at9 o'clock In the morning. This is tneeighth of the excursions Instituted by thelate Mr. Gusky, whose generous intent continues to be carried out with so much nobleintegrity by the widowed bearer of hisname.The cottage known as that of Mrs. JudgeJones, In contradistinction to the villa ofB. F. Jones at Cresson, will be unoccupiedby the family this summer. Miss OlineJones sojourns for the season at BedlordSprings.The Willing Workers' Circle of KingsDaughters, of St Peter's Church, held itsannual picnic and gave a small privatedance at the house of its President, Misstiful grounds were lighted with coloredliuuerus uuu ail ipcui. uciij vMb.On Wednesday Miss Beatrix Venner. ofHazelwood, entertained the Good Samaritan Circle of Kings Daughters with hightea from 3 till 9.Mabion' Crawford Gailaheb.mD-STTMHER SOCIAL EVEHI8.Gathering That Interest Tonne and Old ofthe Two Cities,Oreat preparations are on foot for thelawn fete to be given at the Homo, for theAged of the United Presbyterian Church, InWtlklnnburs, Tuesday next, the I2tn Inst.This tete will partake of the diameter of ahouse-warihtni;. The psoperty lias JustcomeInto tne possession ot the congregation, andIt Is expected that a lartre number of friendsof the chnro.i will be present to look overthe icrounds and house and temler their enn-?ratnlatlons. There will be refrethmentsrom S to 10 o'clock and a rezular sit-downsupper from E till 7 o'clook, ail under thedirection or the ladies of the churoh. TheSroceeds will be used for the benefit or thenmt- A considerable sum la needed forthe turnlshment of the house, and it Is hopedthat this lawn fete will go alone: way towardraising ItBan day last waa a day tone rememberedby the congregation or the TJ. P. Church ofBraddockr, of whloh the Bev. 8. J. Shawlspistor. Services were held In the morning,the music bolns pirttcularlya ciioumstanceto celebrate the thirteenth anniversary ofMr. Shaw's appointment to the Braddockcharge. The morning's services was on thetext, "Liberty, Its Ue and Alm-e." Ahandsome new church, costing $30 000, Is almost ooinpleted, under the supervision of aPittsburg architectASr. m. Thursday. July 7, at the bride'shome. South Ninth street, Harrisburg, Mr.Mjblvern H. Cleveland, or Tittsburg, andMisi Lydia B. Asbury, of Uarrisburg, wereUnited In marriage bv the Bev. B. N. Ool-,tnrn, of St Paul's JL E Church. Mr. Cleve-1HHU U01U3 lllC pUSlllUll Ol BbCCl HiaCUbUl bPittsburg, ami the young lidv whom he haswon for bis wire Is one ot the nrist charmingand rno"t lovetl of youns Hairlsbunr Rills.The happy pair will remain for a re w davaat the bride's old borne, after which theywill leave for Pittsburg.Braddock feels strongly the honor conferred upon Coonty Superintendent SamuelHamilton at the meeting of the State Teachers' Association at Beaver Falls, who waselected President of the State Association.Prof. Hamilton, previous to sucoeedluB thelate Prof. J. S. Johnston, of Brail dock, asSuperintendent ot Allegheny county pnblioschools In 1838, was principal of the Thirdward schools, Braddock, now the Hamiltonsub-district schools, thus named In hishonor.The A T. T. Social, of Allegheny, gave aselect basket plcnlo at Noltalupop GroveonV-Jnly t. Those present were theMisses Mime and Ella Duffy, Jennie andKate O'Keil, Ellen Kelley, Mollis Hodson,Myrtle Gladstone, Lottie Anderson, FloNeville and Miss May, Messrs. Dr. McDonald George Burtnett, Barry Cunninzham,Tom and laeorge Barnes, George Johnson,Ed Healy, Joe Myler, Constant Leabody andGeorge Isherwqod. The party left in a largeand beautifully decorated wagon,William Keast, or Gibbon street, Pittsburg, and Miss Sadie E. McCrea, of Butler, Pe., were united In marritfre at StPaul's Church, Butler, Pa., on Sunday evenIn?, July 8. by the rector, Bev. Father Welch.Miss Annie Gormlev, of Butler, was thebridesmaid and Mr. James Burke, of Pittsburg, acted as best man. After the weddingdinner the bridal party left for Pittsburgwhere they have taken up permanent residence. ' The Major E. A Montooth Band tendereda errand sernade Tuesday last to GeneralSuperintendent W. C. Smith, of the CentralIraction line, at his residence, MS Wylleavenne. The band was out In full foroe andnever played finer muitc A large crowd ofpeople were attracted to the place by thesweet strains as they reverberated and reechoed through Central Park. Mr. Smiththanked the members for their kindness.Bev. J S. Pershing, of Greensburg, who Ispastor of the United Brethren Churoh atCopeland, and Mrs. Pershing, celebrated thesilver anniversary of their marriage attheir home, near Greensburg, last Tuesday.Friends and relatives from three Stateswere present Tne congregation of theCopeland C. B. Chuich presented the conplewith a fine solid sliver tea set and manyother beautifnl clfts were received.The well tn6wn hospitality of Mr, andMrs. John Tonne, of Agnew statlom, wasenjoyed by a large party on July, Dinnerwas served on tne lawn, after whtoh strolling about the R-ronnds, garnet and dancingmade the Fourth of '92 one Ions to be remembered by those who spent the day atAgnew station. A great display of fireworksbrought the evening to a close,The existence of the new building lathsoutcome of a curious compromise. Mr.Sbaw was on the point of accepting a callfrom Steube'nville last year, having an objection to the expored and otherwise objectionable situation of the present edificeon the borders or a railway.The people of the congregation beggedhim to stay and built a church to keep him.Chicago Society has had more marrlajresthis year of Interest to Plttsburgers thanever before. One of the latest waa that ofHiss Minnie M. Craft, formerly of this olty,arid Mr. George M. Decker, a prominentbusiness man of the Windy Cltv. The eventas a quiet one. After their return from aWestern trip the couple will resile in Chi-CJgO.The young men of St Joseph's GermanCatholio Church, of Braddock, will holdtheir second annual excursion up the Uononsahela river on July U nn the City ofPittsburg An orchestra will furnish mnsiofor dancing and brass band add its volumeto the ceremonies. Tne proceeds are forthebuilding .fund of the new churon,Mr. and Mrs. John T. Beibert, of NorthBraddock, celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday even-'Ing last About 60 iuests formed the reallyenjoyablb Catherine. A snpper was served.Many beautiful silver presents were received. ,A party of young people from MoKeesport,attending a picnic at Duquesne Grove yesterday, visited the Edgar Thomson SteelWorks in the afternoon. Tbey were theMisses A Traverse, M. Bneg. N. Lewis, E.Bhodes, Mr. S Hamplet and Mr. B. Webb.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eats, of Hawkins avenue, Copeland, observed the fifth anniversary of their marriage on Monday evening. About 10 guests were present, amongthem a number from Allegheny and Bractdock. The occasion was a hapyy one.XM Tout? XAsUM' XlsabA lua ttf sM.THEyorth Braddock United Brethren Churohwill hold a lawn tete next Tuesday eyenlns;at the home or Mr. J. B. Callahan on Talbotavenue. The proceeds Are for the purposeof carrying on pome mission work.Several hundred Wilklnsburcers attendedthe Union plcnlo at Idlewild Thursday.They were representatives from the Methodist, First V. P. and Presbyterian churchesand all declared that the day was a delightfnl one. The union plcnlo Idea Is one of tnebest that has ever struck ohuroh people inconnection with amusement, and Wllklnsbnrgera are loud In their Indorsement ofthe notion.The Fourth was patriotically observed inWUklnsibnrg. While a large proportion ofthe inhabitants of the borough went, toSchenlev Park there were a number of private gatherings who burned their own fireworks and had as much tun ns lr they werelooking at an exhibition that cost severalthonsand dollars.Avery large Bum was reallxed from thelawn fete held on the grounds of St James'B, a Chureh, Wllkinsburg. " under theauspices or the Knights of St John, lastnignt Another en attainment or the Kinais promised before the end of the summer.Testerday was Idlewild day for hundredof Wilkinaburgera. One of the largest picnic parties that ever left the borough enJoyed the delights of that beautiful summerresort from morning till evening.Mrs. J. Sharpe McDonald will assist in theprale service to be given In the First Christian Church, comer Arch street and Montgomery avenne, Allegheny City, Sunday,July 10, at 7:15 r. icAnnonncementhas been made of the coming marriage of Mr. H. Courtney Parker toSara Harbison, to take place August 2, 1893,at the home of the bride, on Montgomeryavenue, Allegheny.The engagement Is announoed of MissBlanche R. Goodwin, of Haysvllle, Pa,, andMr. Curtis M. Pershing, or Arbuckles Ss Co.,of this city.Visitors of Ear'y Jnly.Mrs. J. 17. Griffith, of Braddook, la at Atlantic City.Mr. Simnel Herman, of Braddook, Is inPhiladelphia.Mr. Leo A Eats, of Braddook, Is visiting InEastern cities.Miss Margaret Thuma left Saturday morning Tor Buffalo, N. T.Mr. Wl.l Bernitz, of West Braddook, leftlast week lor Cornell College.Miss Ida Gerheart, of Clearfield, Pa., Is theguest of Wllkinsburg friends.Miss Mary Toby has returned to Harrlsburg from a visit to Braddock.Mrs. E. S. Gran'them, or Braddock, is visiting her parents at Masllon, O.Mr. arrd Mrs. E G. Sexton, of Braddock,are home from Canonsbnrg, Pa.Prof. and Mrs. A H. List of Braddock; areIn Cincinnati on a ten days' trip.J. T. MoCarteor. or Wheeling, W. Va., wasIn the city for a few days last week.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cxamteckt and ion, ofAllegheny, have left for a trip North.Engene K. Thumm has gone for a threeweeks' camp-out near Toronto, Canada.Miss Lanra Smith Is spending her vacationat Eeysel Springs, Allegheny Mountains.Mr. Martin Howard and wire of Viokrorstreet, are visiting among the Eastern cities.Mr. and Mrs. S. C Weimer, of West Newton, are visiting Mrs. Weimer1! father, J. B.Corey.Dr. and Mrs. A W. 8chooley, of Braddock,are hack Irom a boat trip to Morgantown,W. Va.Mtss Molly Lirkin, of Millwood avenne,has gone to the country for a few weeks' vacation. Mr. John C Norrish, a popular young Alleghenlan, has j nst returned from the mountains. Mrs. Samuel Ollltnger and Master W


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